Thursday, April 17, 2008

Father Woodstock Roaming Bristol

So the other day I was driving home from a night out with some of my friend and we drive past this dive bar on the west end of Bristol, CT and what to our wondering eyes should appear?? A wizard. No seriously, it was a man dressed in full wizard ensemble he had a beard and hair all the way down to his waist. I kid you not and no we weren't drunk. So we double back and get a second look, I wanted to go talk to him, but my friend is a chicken shit and wouldn't so we went home.

Then I asked one of my co-coaches at my work if she's seen him and she told me how she wrote a paper on him. He isn't a wizard he calls himself Father Woodstock, and has family in Bristol but a home near Bethal Woods aka Woodstock, NY. So now I really want to get an interview with him. She said he was mad cool and very open to talking to anyone.

All week I have been driving around Bristol aimlessly wasting my $3.55 gallons of gas looking for this dude and today I see him! I was so excited, but I had to get to the bank first to deposit a check, so I did that very quickly and drove back to the spot where he was stand to find the cops shooing him away! I was pissed!

I'm determined to get an interview with this guy before he heads back up to NY. Keep checking my posts.

* Correction, it's not Father Woodstock, It's Grandpa Woodstock, I was miss informed.


gigi said...
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gigi said...

Hi, if your still interested in meeting grandpa woodstock I do have his mailing address! Ran into him and grandma woodstock last week in woodstock. truly awesome people.