Thursday, April 17, 2008

Father Woodstock Roaming Bristol

So the other day I was driving home from a night out with some of my friend and we drive past this dive bar on the west end of Bristol, CT and what to our wondering eyes should appear?? A wizard. No seriously, it was a man dressed in full wizard ensemble he had a beard and hair all the way down to his waist. I kid you not and no we weren't drunk. So we double back and get a second look, I wanted to go talk to him, but my friend is a chicken shit and wouldn't so we went home.

Then I asked one of my co-coaches at my work if she's seen him and she told me how she wrote a paper on him. He isn't a wizard he calls himself Father Woodstock, and has family in Bristol but a home near Bethal Woods aka Woodstock, NY. So now I really want to get an interview with him. She said he was mad cool and very open to talking to anyone.

All week I have been driving around Bristol aimlessly wasting my $3.55 gallons of gas looking for this dude and today I see him! I was so excited, but I had to get to the bank first to deposit a check, so I did that very quickly and drove back to the spot where he was stand to find the cops shooing him away! I was pissed!

I'm determined to get an interview with this guy before he heads back up to NY. Keep checking my posts.

* Correction, it's not Father Woodstock, It's Grandpa Woodstock, I was miss informed.

Thursday, April 10, 2008


Okay, so I was thinking yesterday during my World Religions lecture about why Christians are the only religion to use their God and messenger as swears.

Oh I see you're thinking about it too now.

You never hear a Muslim just shout out. 'OH MUHAMMAD!' or 'ALLAH DAMN IT!', it just doesn't happen.

I've never heard a Hindu scream 'Oh for Shiva SAKES!' or a Buddhist say 'DAMN IT BUDDHA!'.

I wanted to get to the bottom of it, and I came back with nothing, just a couple of websites stating the media projected it to society and it picked up really fast, and because most of the Christian world is high tech and most of the non-christian world isn't, God and Jesus get the bitch slapped out of them daily because of it.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The South: You really do need a passport to go down there

I don't know about the rest of you but the most devious plan I plotted in my entire life was filling a mud pile with worms which I intended on pushing my mean next door neighbor into because I believed she would turn into a monkey. I was 6 and it never panned out.

If you were to peek in at an elementary school in Georgia you would expect to see kids with southern draws learning how the south won the civil war, right? Not at Center Elementary School.

At Center Elementary expect 8-10 year olds plotting your death.
A group of 9 third graders plotted to 'hurt' their teacher after she reprimanded one for standing on a chair.
Gum on the shoe? Sign on the back that says 'kick me'? Glue on her chair? No, how about knife in her back.

The students plotted and had a more elaborate plan than Bush's invasion of Iraq.

One student was in charge of duct tape and toy hand cuffs to tie the teacher up, while another student was to bring in a paper weight to knock the teacher unconscious. Someone was in charge of covering up the windows and doors so no one could peek in while they were committing a felony, and one student was in charge of bringing a knife to stab the teacher with. They even had one child acting as clean up crew. I kid you not.

It sounds like a Steven Spielberg movie mixed with Lord of the Flies and Children of the Corn, but I'm sorry people it's not.

Now teachers everywhere are scared to scold their students. Hell, I don't care what my students do in class now, sure break your neck on that balance beam, I'm not getting stabbed because I told someone 'No'.

The reason the plot didn't play out was because another student told the teacher that someone brought a weapon to school. The rat is next on the groups list of future killings.

So what's going to happen to these children, probably nothing. Georgia law states that you can't convict a child under 13, although three of the children have been arrested. The three that have been arrested are being housed in a detention center until a judge decides what to do with them.

My one question is where the hell did these kids think this up? Was it at the sandbox during recess? Where did they get the idea to STAB their teacher. As always psychologist blame video games. Can we stop blaming video games for a minute and turn the finger towards the parents or better yet maybe they are just little psychos and it's better they were caught now so that they can be locked up forever and not hurt people when they reach the four foot mark?