Thursday, January 31, 2008

Controversial Question

'Do you think modern medicine is affecting evolution?' I was asked that question the other day and it took 24 hours to register.

Do I think modern medicine is affecting evolution? I hate to say it, but yes I think it is. Let me get this out first before lurkers go at my throat. I value the human life, I value the people out there that have conquered disease and are leading healthy lives. But coming from a biological/Darwin stand point, yes modern medicine is affecting evolution.

Is it possible that by helping people with cancer, cystic fibrosis, Huntington's and other lethal genetic mutations we are enabling them to pass on their 'mutated' genes and weakening the phrase 'survival of the fittest'?

Now, don’t get me wrong, I want to be a doctor, and I firmly believe in saving lives. I really do. But if we can take away our thoughts on modern medicine and look at it from Darwin's point of view, if modern medicine lets these people die or conquer the diseases naturally, these genes will be wiped out of modern society and become extinct.

Anyway it's just a thought.

1 comment:

Alia S. said...

Interesting and controversial. What about cancer that is not caused by genetic predisposition (like from environmental toxins)? And should we have not given the polio vaccine?

Eitherway, another question is how do drug companies make the most curing cancer or by maintaining a sick society that needs "treatment"? I think there is an interest to keep people needing their drugs for the rest of their lives.

I am hoping that those who can see the bigger picture and can cause social change to support a healthy and sustainable society will be the ones evolving our species.